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          상품번호 : 165339
          페이스북 트위터 

          Generalist Social Work Practice: An Empowering Approach, 7/e (NIE)
          판매가 39,000
          배송 택배 100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
          총 상품금액 39,000
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보
          발행일 : 2014년 01월 01일
          ISBN : 9781292041865
          가격 : 39,000원
          저자 : Karla Krogsrud Miley, Michael W. O'Melia, Brenda L. DuBois
          출판사 : Pearson
          페이지 : 496면
          제본형태 : Paperback

          ● An empowerment-based generalist social work practice text which integrates core themes of the profession.
          ● This text is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series.
          ●   Generalist Social Work Practice, 7th edition, fully integrates core social work themes of collaboration, the strengths perspective, values and ethics, social justice and human rights, evidence-based practice, cultural competence, and policy practice.
          ●   This text offers a progressive practice approach grounded in social work research, reflective of social work values, sensitive to client diversity, and applicable to work with any level of client system including individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
          ● Beginning with engaging clients as partners and continuing with assessing, intervening, and evaluating from a strengths perspective, this approach offers social workers a method that fully realizes core social work values, respects client competence, and activates client resources within the context of their lives.
          ●   All parts of the practice process are described in detail, connected to social work theory, illustrated with case examples, and supported with evidence from social work research.
          ● Each chapter focuses on teaching the knowledge, values, and skills reflective of the core competencies and correlated practice behaviors as described in the 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). 

          ● 이 직종의 핵심 주제를 통합하는 권한 기반의 일반 사회 복지 실무 텍스트이다.
          ● 이 텍스트는 연결 코어 역량 시리즈의 일부입니다.
          ● 실습 프로세스의 모든 부분을 자세히 설명하고, 사회 복지 이론에 연결하고, 사례 사례로 설명하고, 사회 복지 연구의 증거로 뒷받침합니다.
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

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